Comments on: Not a FEMA Fan Fri, 30 Dec 2011 16:45:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Billy Billy Mon, 21 Feb 2011 20:33:16 +0000 Exactly my point David! I would put this under the category of "cool job to have with story" instead of "very worst job" Thanks for the comment Natalie, but I wasn't referring to the increased workload in relation to 9/11. Although, the fact that you think it's the only time the organization OP worked for could have been busy probably shows what an easy job it was 95% of the time. Exactly my point David! I would put this under the category of “cool job to have with story” instead of “very worst job”

Thanks for the comment Natalie, but I wasn’t referring to the increased workload in relation to 9/11. Although, the fact that you think it’s the only time the organization OP worked for could have been busy probably shows what an easy job it was 95% of the time.

By: David David Mon, 21 Feb 2011 09:12:48 +0000 Ok katrina comments aside.... the story seemed like a bit of an anti-climax? The bad things shes lists is seperating her from her supervisor, and canceling holiday leave? If you're going to tell us that it was really horrible, then tell us some of the gory details! Ok katrina comments aside…. the story seemed like a bit of an anti-climax? The bad things shes lists is seperating her from her supervisor, and canceling holiday leave?
If you’re going to tell us that it was really horrible, then tell us some of the gory details!

By: Natalie Natalie Mon, 21 Feb 2011 00:56:30 +0000 Billy, the vacation cancellation didn't happen until after the examinations after 9/11; it wasn't due to 9/11. And even with it being afterward, the OP never said anything about it being because of an increased workload. If that was the case, I think he/she would have mentioned that and not had issues with it; note that he/she didn't have any issues with working long shifts after 9/11. Billy, the vacation cancellation didn’t happen until after the examinations after 9/11; it wasn’t due to 9/11. And even with it being afterward, the OP never said anything about it being because of an increased workload. If that was the case, I think he/she would have mentioned that and not had issues with it; note that he/she didn’t have any issues with working long shifts after 9/11.

By: Billy Billy Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:33:47 +0000 LOL, oh OP mentioned 9/11? HERO!!! I <3 society. OP worked for a disaster department, probably did next to nothing for month/years before 9/11. So, then had to work 12 hours a day for a few weeks? boohoo, probably made a fortune at time and a half with the government. Cancelled vacation because of increased work load? boohoo. If that's all you got, I'm not impressed, especially since you got to work in relation to the 9/11 attacks, talk about a resume builder! LOL, oh OP mentioned 9/11? HERO!!! I <3 society.

OP worked for a disaster department, probably did next to nothing for month/years before 9/11. So, then had to work 12 hours a day for a few weeks? boohoo, probably made a fortune at time and a half with the government. Cancelled vacation because of increased work load? boohoo. If that's all you got, I'm not impressed, especially since you got to work in relation to the 9/11 attacks, talk about a resume builder!

By: et et Fri, 18 Feb 2011 13:58:03 +0000 I don't have reading comprehension issues, Currer. Thanks for being extremely condescending, anyway, though. I hope it made your day a little brighter. That's, in fact, why I ended my post with "When there are lives, sanity, and livelihoods at stake, we should want everyone to succeed. In fact, even if not, why do we want people to fail? Who does it help? Why do we need to get revenge?" This is to say I should want the bratty kid who made fun of me to do well in college (and obviously hopefully he will be nicer, too). Even though he was a jerk, I should not get PLEASURE in his failures. OP, your choice of words is totally understandable. I'm not upset with you. Everyone should just understand that with things like 9/11 and Katrina (only the later which I can really speak of) people are bound to be really sensitive. Let me give you an example. Say a company was really mean to an employee. Then they created a new machine that scans people for cancer, but in fact it actually ended up giving people cancer and they were all over the news for this. People hated them. If the last sentence now would say "A few years later, there was the ____ scandal. They took a tremendous beating from an enraged public. And I loved every second of it. " Of course, we assume that nobody wishes cancer on anyone else. But if your sibling/close friend/parent/etc. was one of the victims of this atrocity, you would probably not be happy to read that sentence. I know Katrina was not FEMAs fault and neither was 9/11, so in that case the metaphor has a small weakness, but the point I want to make is that there are some things people are going to be extremely (maybe even over, but you can't blame people with things like this) sensitive about. Especially if it killed their families. Like Katrina and 9/11 did. That being said, I do understand why people who were not as affected do not understand this and I hope that you never will! I don’t have reading comprehension issues, Currer. Thanks for being extremely condescending, anyway, though. I hope it made your day a little brighter.
That’s, in fact, why I ended my post with
“When there are lives, sanity, and livelihoods at stake, we should want everyone to succeed. In fact, even if not, why do we want people to fail? Who does it help? Why do we need to get revenge?”
This is to say I should want the bratty kid who made fun of me to do well in college (and obviously hopefully he will be nicer, too). Even though he was a jerk, I should not get PLEASURE in his failures.

OP, your choice of words is totally understandable. I’m not upset with you.

Everyone should just understand that with things like 9/11 and Katrina (only the later which I can really speak of) people are bound to be really sensitive.
Let me give you an example. Say a company was really mean to an employee. Then they created a new machine that scans people for cancer, but in fact it actually ended up giving people cancer and they were all over the news for this. People hated them. If the last sentence now would say
“A few years later, there was the ____ scandal. They took a tremendous beating from an enraged public. And I loved every second of it. ”

Of course, we assume that nobody wishes cancer on anyone else. But if your sibling/close friend/parent/etc. was one of the victims of this atrocity, you would probably not be happy to read that sentence.

I know Katrina was not FEMAs fault and neither was 9/11, so in that case the metaphor has a small weakness, but the point I want to make is that there are some things people are going to be extremely (maybe even over, but you can’t blame people with things like this) sensitive about. Especially if it killed their families. Like Katrina and 9/11 did.

That being said, I do understand why people who were not as affected do not understand this and I hope that you never will!

By: wiccabasket wiccabasket Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:28:01 +0000 @DS - Comprehension FAIL. OP worked his/her arse off, and never complained about his/her work schedule. She/He didn't complain about their holidays being cancelled during the aftermath of 9/11. They took no pleasure in Katrina. Tronner has some good advice for you. Follow it. @DS – Comprehension FAIL. OP worked his/her arse off, and never complained about his/her work schedule. She/He didn’t complain about their holidays being cancelled during the aftermath of 9/11. They took no pleasure in Katrina.

Tronner has some good advice for you. Follow it.

By: Currer Bell Currer Bell Thu, 17 Feb 2011 18:43:15 +0000 Reading comprehension note for DS and et: OP wasn't taking pleasure from FEMA's failure, he/she was taking pleasure from the fact that FEMA was called out on it's failure. Big difference. I have no patience for whinning(sic) commenters. Reading comprehension note for DS and et: OP wasn’t taking pleasure from FEMA’s failure, he/she was taking pleasure from the fact that FEMA was called out on it’s failure. Big difference.

I have no patience for whinning(sic) commenters.

By: tronner tronner Thu, 17 Feb 2011 16:28:48 +0000 (sigh) Another day, another bunch of histrionic rantings by commenters. @OP - loved the story. @DS...grow up stop getting offended at the drop of a pin. (sigh) Another day, another bunch of histrionic rantings by commenters. @OP – loved the story. @DS…grow up stop getting offended at the drop of a pin.

By: DS DS Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:56:39 +0000 Also the OP got pleasure from FEMA's failure with Katrina? Real people died in both 911 and Hurricane Katrina. I have no patience for whinning about schedules and how the OP was "right"! This should not be a subject taken this lightly. Also the OP got pleasure from FEMA’s failure with Katrina? Real people died in both 911 and Hurricane Katrina. I have no patience for whinning about schedules and how the OP was “right”! This should not be a subject taken this lightly.

By: DS DS Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:42:18 +0000 You know what, I don't have all the details, but I was there and lived through the day. She is complaining about a work schedule!!!!!! And gifts not being taken to family???!!! She may have had real problems with the new boss, but this comes off as seriously disrespectful for all of those who live it and its' aftermath. You know what, I don’t have all the details, but I was there and lived through the day. She is complaining about a work schedule!!!!!! And gifts not being taken to family???!!! She may have had real problems with the new boss, but this comes off as seriously disrespectful for all of those who live it and its’ aftermath.
